Hi! I'm Ben, a London-based full-stack developer. I have always had a passion for computers & technology, whether building or fixing them. I was first introduced to coding while working alongside the development teams at Apple, and it immediately grabbed my attention. While I enjoyed the problem solving and technical learning aspects of my previous roles, I wanted to take these skills further, leading me to enrol in the Web Development Immersive course at General Assembly.
Whiskypedia is a full-stack app designed to allow whisky enthusiasts to keep track of whiskies they have tried, distilleries they have visited, and receive recommendations of whiskies they may like.
The app is a React front-end paired with a Python back-end. The back end uses SQLAlchemy to communicate with PostgreSQL database. I chose to create this app as a solo project in order to push myself to create a full-stack application in the allotted time frame.
Full details can be found in the Readme in GitHub.
Created is a full-stack MERN app, designed to allow domestic creatives to showcase their creations and be contacted by potential clients. This was a group project, designed to cement knowledge of API development, along with collaboration using Git & GitHub.
To start development, and allow front-end and back-end development to run simultaneously, we created a set of 'dummy data' that both front-end and back-end development groups used as a central source of truth. By effectively planning out with wireframes each API end-point and what data it should return, we were able to begin working on the front & back ends simultaneously, using Trello to collaborate.
Full details can be found in the Readme in GitHub.
Brain Training
This project was a 48-hour hackathon designed to cement knowledge of React and external APIs. Working as a pair, we created a pub quiz style trivia game using the Open Trivia Database API.
We designed the app to pull in a set of questions from the API, then randomise the position of the correct answer in an array of incorrect answers. This project was pair-coded throughout, rather than using Git collaboration features. We used Trello to document ideas as well as a to-do list.
Full details can be found in the Readme in GitHub.
Space Invaders
A front end game, written with JavaScript & jQuery. The brief was to create a grid-based game in a time frame of seven days. I chose to recreate the arcade classic Space Invaders for this project.
I approached this project by creating a Trello board to contain every idea I had for the game. I then sorted the Trello board according to the MuSCoW method to give me a clear structure for each day of the project.
Full details can be found in the Readme in GitHub.